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Welcome UCare Providers

Resources for Electronic Transactions

The following resources are available to assist providers with online administrative functions. To simplify and streamline transactions, UCare supports a variety of electronic data interchanges (EDI).

Clearinghouse/trading partners

UCare receives electronic claims submissions directly through two trading partners. 



Phone: 1-800-282-4548 toll free

MN E-Connect/Health EC

Phone: 1-877-444-7194 toll-free

Resources & Information

All electronic claims to be submitted to Payer ID: 55413

If you have questions about EDI transactions, please email

Providers can access the 270/271 transaction via Availity. If your clearinghouse has not already done so, they can enroll with Availity to begin transmitting these transactions to your organization. Have your clearinghouse visit Availity's website or call 1-800-282-4548 to begin the enrollment and provisioning process.

UCare’s Health Care Eligibility Benefit Inquiry and Response 270/271 Companion Guide

This Companion Guide is intended to describe to UCare trading partners the content and format of the Eligibility and Benefit 270/271 transaction set in the EDI environment.

At this time, 276/277 - Claims Status Inquiry and Response is not available. As a workaround, providers may check individual claim status through UCare's Provider Portal. The 276/277 transaction will be available again in 2025. 

Providers can access the 835 Remittance via Availity. If your clearinghouse has not already done so, they can enroll with Availity Essentials to begin transmitting these transactions to your organization. Have your clearinghouse visit Availity's website or call 1-800-282-4548 to begin the enrollment and provisioning process.

Electronic Remittance Advice 835 Companion Guide (PDF)

This Companion Guide is intended to describe to UCare trading partners the content and format of the Electronic Remittance Advice 835 transaction set in the EDI environment.

As of March 1, 2017, UCare requires the corresponding taxonomy to be submitted whenever a National Provider Identification (NPI) is reported on a claim. When taxonomy is not reported on a claim that includes a NPI number(s), the claim will be rejected. Provider types that are not required to submit claims with NPI are not required to submit taxonomy on claims to UCare.

Taxonomy FAQ

EDI Definition and Acronyms

Minnesota Uniform Companion Guide

Entities subject to Minnesota Statutes, section 62J.536 and related rules must follow the data content and other transaction-specific information of the Minnesota Uniform Companion Guide. A copy of the Minnesota Uniform Companion Guides are available at no charge from the Minnesota Department of Health at the above link.

Health Care Administrative Simplification Act (ASA)

Minnesota Administrative Uniformity Committee (AUC)