Civil Rights Notice
Discrimination is against the law.
UCare does not discriminate on the basis of any of the following:
- race
- color
- national origin
- creed
- religion
- sexual orientation
- public assistance status
- age
- disability (including physical or mental impairment)
- sex (including sex stereotypes and gender identity)
- marital status
- political beliefs
- medical condition
- health status
- receipt of health care services
- claims experience
- medical history
- genetic information
Auxiliary Aids and Services
UCare provides auxiliary aids and services, like qualified interpreters or information in accessible formats, free of charge and in a timely manner, to ensure an equal opportunity to participate in our health care programs. Contact UCare at 612-676-3200 (voice) or 1-800-203-7225 (voice), 612-676-6810 (TTY), or 1-800-688-2534 (TTY).
Language Assistance Services
UCare provides translated documents and spoken language interpreting, free of charge and in a timely manner, when language assistance services are necessary to ensure limited English speakers have meaningful access to our information and services. Contact at 612-676-3200 (voice) or 1-800-203-7225 (voice), 612-676-6810 (TTY), or 1-800-688-2534 (TTY).
Civil Rights Complaints
You have the right to file a discrimination complaint if you believe you were treated in a discriminatory way by UCare. You may contact any of the following four agencies directly to file a discrimination complaint.U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
You have the right to file a complaint with the OCR, a federal agency, if you believe you have been discriminated against because of any of the following:
- race
- color
- national origin
- age
- disability
- sex
Contact the OCR directly to file a complaint:
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights
200 Independence Avenue SW
Room 509F, HHH Building
Washington, DC 20201
800-368-1019 (Voice)
800-537-7697 (TDD)
Complaint Portal –
Minnesota Department of Human Rights (MDHR)
In Minnesota, you have the right to file a complaint with MDHR if you believe you have been discriminated against because of any of the following:
- race
- color
- national origin
- religion
- creed
- sex
- sexual orientation
- marital status
- public assistance status
- disability
Contact the MDHR directly to file a complaint:
Minnesota Department of Human Rights
Freeman Building, 625 North Robert Street
St. Paul, MN 55155
651-539-1100 (voice)
1-800-657-3704 (toll free)
711 or 800-627-3529 (MN Relay)
651-296-9042 (Fax) (Email)
Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS)
You have the right to file a complaint with DHS if you believe you have been discriminated against in our health care programs because of any of the following:
- race
- color
- national origin
- creed
- religion
- sexual orientation
- public assistance status
- age
- disability (including physical or mental impairment)
- sex (including sex stereotypes and gender identity)
- marital status
- political beliefs
- medical condition
- health status
- receipt of health care services
- claims experience
- medical history
- genetic information
Complaints must be in writing and filed within 180 days of the date you discovered the alleged discrimination. The complaint must contain your name and address and describe the discrimination you are complaining about. After we get your complaint, we will review it and notify you in writing about whether we have authority to investigate. If we do, we will investigate the complaint.
DHS will notify you in writing of the investigation’s outcome. You have a right to appeal the outcome if you disagree with the decision. To appeal, you must send a written request to have DHS review the investigation outcome period. Be brief and state why you disagree with the decision. Include additional information you think is important.
If you file a complaint in this way, the people who work for the agency named in the complaint cannot retaliate against you. This means they cannot punish you in any way for filing a complaint. Filing a complaint in this way does not stop you from seeking out other legal or administration actions.
Contact the DHS directly to file a discrimination complaint:
ATTN: Civil Rights Coordinator
Minnesota Department of Human Services
Equal Opportunity and Access Division
P.O. Box 64997
St. Paul, MN 55164-0997
651-431-3040 (voice) or use your preferred relay service
UCare Complaint Notice
You have the right to file a complaint with UCare if you believe you have been discriminated against in our health care programs because of any of the following:
- medical condition
- health status
- receipt of health care Services
- claims experience
- medical history
- genetic information
- disability (including mental or physical impairment)
- marital status
- age
- sex (including sex stereotypes and gender identity)
- sexual orientation
- national origin
- race
- color
- religion
- creed
- public assistance status
- political beliefs
You can file a complaint and ask for help in filing a complaint in person or by mail, phone, fax, or email at:
Attn: Appeals and Grievances
PO Box 52
Minneapolis, MN 55440-0052
Toll free: 1-800-203-7225
TTY: 1-800-688-2534
Fax: 612-884-2021