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Coverage when traveling

Our UCare Medicare Plans travel with you whether you’re gone for a couple weeks or a few months.


In-network coverage nationwide

All UCare Medicare Advantage plans include access to out-of-state providers through our partnership with the national MultiPlan Medicare Advantage Network. At these providers, your plan works the same as in-network, giving you the same great coverage on benefits and services when you travel outside of Minnesota.

Call before your visit to make sure the provider is in the MultiPlan Medicare Advantage Network or use our online search tool to find what you need ahead of time. Keep your member ID card handy — the MultiPlan logo on the back will help providers identify eligible members for coverage.


Additional coverage across the United States

Your UCare Medicare Plan travels with you anywhere in the U.S. when you get care from providers that accept Medicare. This part of your plan is called the Point-of-Service (POS) benefit or UCare Anywhere℠*. If you see providers that are not in the UCare or MultiPlan Network, you’ll have coverage with UCare Anywhere at any provider that accepts Medicare within the U.S. Most non-emergency services from out‑of‑network providers are covered. Based on your plan, coverage may vary. Please see Chapter 4, Section 2.2 (Point-of-Service benefit) for more details in your Evidence of Coverage. UCare Anywhere is not included in EssentiaCare and UCare Your Choice plans.

Below are types of care that will have the same copay as you pay in-network, even if you get care from an out-of-network provider.

Covered out-of-network with copay

  • Primary care visits
  • Specialist visits
  • Occupational therapy services
  • Physical therapy services
  • Podiatry services
  • Mental health specialty services

In case of emergencies

Emergencies are always covered while traveling in the U.S. and worldwide with a copay. Ambulance and emergency room admissions have the same copays and coverage in and out of network. This coverage includes both air and ground ambulance rides.


How to use your coverage when traveling:

  1. Choose a provider that accepts Medicare. Call and ask the provider before your visit or search for select providers with our online search tool.
  2. Bring your UCare member ID card with you when you travel. This helps medical providers know what plan you have, where to call with questions, and where to send the bill.
    Note: Providers must send all bills to UCare at the address on the back of your member ID card. We recommend you wait to pay the bill or your portion of the bill until after UCare has processed the claim for your health care service.
  3. After UCare has processed the claim, you may receive a bill if you owe a copay.

Most out-of-country providers will not bill UCare. If you pay a medical bill, keep receipts and detailed (itemized) copies of the bill. Send copies to UCare with your name and member ID number to:

PO Box 52
Minneapolis, MN 55440-0070


Traveling outside the United States and territories

Your UCare plan includes worldwide emergency coverage. Your plan does not cover care while you recover or any care you receive outside of your emergency room visit. UCare will reimburse you for emergency services only, up to what Original Medicare would reimburse you.

UCare advises members to consider purchasing additional travel insurance to cover non-emergency services.


Online care anytime, anywhere

UCare Medicare plans

E-visits are included in your plan for $0. You can schedule an e‑visit for minor conditions while you travel with services available 24/7. Access online care through various online platforms with no appointment needed.


Get online care anywhere in the world. EssentiaCare members have access to online care anytime and anywhere with Essentia MyHealth. Online care can treat you for 20 common conditions. Visit Essentia Health to see the full list, which includes bug bites, sinus infections and pink eye.


Help with health plan terms

  • Copay: Set fee you pay when you visit your doctor, fill a prescription or stay in a hospital.
  • In-network: Doctors, hospitals and other health care providers that are part of your health plan. You will usually pay less when you go to in-network doctors.
  • Out-of-network: Health care providers who do not participate in your health plan network. You will usually pay more when you go to out-of-network doctors.
  • Point-of-Service (POS): This benefit provides coverage for medical services from out-of-network providers who accept Medicare.

Need help finding a doctor?

Log in into your online member account or use the online search tool to find providers while you’re traveling.
Find a provider

*UCare Anywhere is not included in EssentiaCare plans.