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Member FAQ


Getting started with your online member account

It’s easy! Before you start, you’ll need an email address and your UCare member identification (ID) number. Then:

  1. Go to the UCare website at  
    • Look for the blue "Log in" button in the upper right corner and click on it

  2. Next, click on the “Sign up” link below the blue "Sign in" button
    • Fill in your email address, a password, your UCare member ID number, name, date of birth and zip code  
    • Submit your registration

      Password requirements Your password needs to have at least 8 characters, one upper case letter, one lower case letter, one number and one of the following characters:  " ! # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~

  3. You'll get a confirmation email. Open the email and click on the confirmation link.

  4. Then, we'll ask you to set your security question and answer. You'll need this information if you ever have to reset your security question.

We'll display this message if the information you entered doesn't match what we have on file for you. Check that what you entered matches our records. Below are some common issues. 

Member ID

Your member ID number is on your UCare member ID card. Medicare and Individual & Family Plan members: If you're using the UCare member ID number from your premium invoice, add two zeros (00) after the first 7-digits in the member ID field. For Individual & Family Plan members: Other members on your policy, such as a spouse or dependent, can create an online member account using the member ID number listed on their UCare member ID card. The member ID number for other members on your policy should end in 01, 02, etc.

First Name

Use your full name as written on your application for coverage. For example: Use Charles instead of Charlie or Anastasia instead of Ana.

Last Name

Use your last name as written on your application. If you see a “Jr” or “Sr” suffix next to your name, include that as listed in this Last Name field.

Date of Birth

Type your date of birth in any of these formats:


For example, use 01/01/1950 instead of 1/1/1950.

Zip Code

If you've recently moved, we may still have an old address on file for you. Try using the zip code from your previous address. Once logged in, you can send us a request to update your information on file.

Each individual member needs to register for their own online member account using separate email addresses. This helps keep your personal health information safe and secure.

If you forgot your online member account password or need to reset it, go to the log in page. Below the "Sign In" button, there's a link through the words "Need help signing in?". Click the link and two options will pop up, "Forgot password?" and "Help". Click on "Forgot password?" You'll be prompted to reset your password via the email account associated with your online member account. You'll need to answer the security question you setup when registering for the account. If you're still having trouble or can't access your email account, you may need to re-register. Call customer service if you have any questions.

Your online member account may be locked if you try to log in too many times with the wrong password. We'll send you an email with instructions on how to unlock your account. It will be unlocked automatically after 60 minutes if you don’t try again with the wrong password.

Once your account is unlocked, you can reset your password by clicking “Need help signing in?” and “Forgot Password?”

If you still can't log in to your account, call customer service.

For the best experience, we recommend using the latest versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Safari.

You can access your online member account on all these devices. You’ll have the best experience on a computer or mobile device with the latest software.


Paying my premium

There are a few ways to pay your monthly premium:

  • Online through your online member account using a debit or credit card. Individual & Family Plan members can also set up an automatic withdrawal from a checking or savings account through the online member account.
  • Pay by phone. To pay by phone using a debit card, credit card, checking account or savings account, call the number on the back of your member ID card. Follow the pay-by-phone prompts.
  • Check or money order mailed to UCare. See your monthly invoice for details.

Other options for Medicare members only:

  • Online bill pay or direct pay from your bank. You can set this up with your bank. Call your bank for help.
  • Automatic withdrawal from a checking or savings account. To get started, fill out an automated payment form. Send it back to us. Find the form here.
  • Social Security Administration (SSA) deduction from your monthly Social Security check. Contact customer service to get started.
  • Railroad Retirement Board if you are a retired railroad employee.

Note: Members on MinnesotaCare plans pay their monthly premium through the Department of Human Services.

Please allow 3 to 5 business days for your payment to be applied to your UCare account and visible online.

Medicare members

We deduct your premium between the 7th and 10th day for that month of coverage. For example, we deduct your January premium between January 7 and January 10.

Individual & Family Plan members

We deduct your premium on the 25th day of the previous month for the next month of coverage. For example, we deduct your February premium on January 25.

Medicare members:

Payments are due on the 1st of each month for that month of coverage. For example, when you receive your January invoice in December, you have until January 1 to pay.

Individual & Family Plan members:

Payments are due on the last day of the previous month for the next month of coverage. For example, when you receive your February invoice in January, you have until January 31 to pay.

Medicare members

You have until the 12th of the month to pay your premium. If you haven’t paid by then, you'll have a 90-day grace period to pay your premium in full. If not paid in full by 90 days, your coverage will end the last day of the month of that 90-day grace period. We'll send you a letter during the grace period with the amount you owe and your payment options.

Individual & Family Plan members

  • With Advanced Premium Tax Credits (APTC): You'll get a 3-month grace period if you paid at least one full month’s premium. Coverage will end the last day of the first month of the 3-month grace period if we don't get your payment.
  • Without APTC: The grace period is 31 days from your premium due date. If you pay your premium in full at any time during the grace period, your coverage stays active. If we don’t get your premium in full, coverage will end the last date of the last month premiums were paid in full.

Before you receive your member ID and can set up your online member account to use the payment center, you will need to pay your first month's premium. If you didn't pay when you signed up for your plan, you can do so through our guest payment portal.


Filing a claim

To be paid back for medical claims that you've already paid, go to the Member Documents page. Find your plan. Under your plan documents, you'll find a claim reimbursement form. Follow the directions on the form. If you have questions, call customer service.


Changing health plans

Individual & Family Plan members

Yes. Follow the instructions based on how you enrolled in your plan. If you expect to get subsidies (financial aid) in the next plan year or due to your qualifying event for a Special Enrollment Period, make sure you apply through If you have any questions, call UCare Customer Service for help.

You enrolled in your UCare plan through UCare directly

If you don’t expect to receive financial aid in the next plan year, you can enroll in a different plan through your online member account during the annual Open Enrollment Period.

Life changes like having a baby, moving or turning 26 could qualify you to enroll in a health plan during a Special Enrollment Period. To qualify for a Special Enrollment Period outside of the annual Open Enrollment Period, apply through your online member account.

You enrolled in your UCare plan through MNsure

If you expect to receive financial aid in the next plan year, you can choose to enroll in a different plan on during the annual Open Enrollment Period. If you don’t expect to get financial aid and you would like to enroll in a new plan directly through UCare, make sure you contact MNsure to cancel your coverage at least one month before you want your coverage to end. This gives MNsure time to process your request. Call MNsure toll-free at 1-855-3MNSURE or 1-855-366-7873 (TTY users call 1-800-325-0778). You can also visit Once you cancel your coverage through MNsure, you can enroll in a new plan through the UCare online shopping tool during the annual Open Enrollment Period. The UCare online shopping tool will pre-screen for subsidy eligibility so you won’t miss out on possible financial aid.

Life changes like having a baby, moving or turning 26 could qualify you to enroll in a health plan during a Special Enrollment Period. To qualify for a Special Enrollment Period outside of the annual Open Enrollment Period, apply through

Medical Assistance (Medicaid) and MinnesotaCare members

You must report changes for Medical Assistance (Medicaid) and MinnesotaCare to your county or the MinnesotaCare office within 10 days of the change happening. To report a change, call your county or Tribal office. Certain life changes like having a baby, moving or turning 26 could qualify you to enroll in a Medical Assistance health plan during the special enrollment period.

Medicare members

You can make a plan change to be effective January 1 of the following year during the Annual Election Period (AEP) between October 15 and December 7. From January 1 to March 31, the Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period (MA-OEP), you may change to another Medicare Advantage plan. Moving or losing coverage from an employer could qualify you to make changes during a Special Enrollment Period (SEP).

Individual & Family Plan members

Follow the instructions based on how you enrolled in your plan. If you expect to receive subsidies (financial aid) when you add another person to your plan, make sure you apply through If you have any questions, call UCare Customer Service for help.

You enrolled in your UCare plan through UCare directly

Log on to your online member account to make changes to your plan.

You enrolled in your UCare plan through MNsure

Report any household changes to MNsure.

Medical Assistance (Medicaid) or MinnesotaCare members

Contact your county or Tribal office.

Medicare members

Medicare plans are individual plans. That means you can’t add people to your plan.

Individual & Family Plan members

Follow the instructions based on how you enrolled in your plan. If you have any questions, call UCare customer service for help.

You enrolled in your UCare plan through UCare directly

Log on to your online member account to make changes to your plan or cancel your coverage.

You enrolled in your UCare plan through MNsure

Contact MNsure to cancel your coverage. Call MNsure toll-free at 1-855-3MNSURE or 1-855-366-7873 (TTY users call 1-800-325-0778). You can also visit

Medicaid (Medical Assistance) or MinnesotaCare members: If you’re no longer eligible for Medicaid (Medical Assistance) or MinnesotaCare, you may be eligible to buy health coverage through MNsure. Call MNsure toll-free at 1-855-3MNSURE or 1-855-366-7873 (TTY users call 1-800-325-0778). You can also visit

Medicare members

During the Annual Election Period (AEP) between October 15 and December 7, you can make a plan change to be effective January 1 of the following year.

During the Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period (MA-OEP) from January 1 to March 31, you may change to another Medicare Advantage plan or disenroll to return to Original Medicare. You may also be eligible to make changes during a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) if you have a qualifying event, such as moving or losing coverage from an employer.

Questions about Medicare? We’ve got you covered.

Individual & Family Plan members

Follow the instructions based on how you enrolled in your plan. If you have any questions, call Customer Service for help.

You enrolled in your UCare plan through UCare directly

If you’re currently covered by a UCare Individual & Family Plan, be sure to cancel your coverage before your Medicare coverage begins. Otherwise, you may be billed for two premiums. Log on to your online member account to make changes to your plan or cancel your coverage. To end your coverage, make sure to make your changes through your online member account at least one month before you want your coverage to end. This gives UCare time to process your request.

You enrolled in your UCare plan through MNsure

If you’re currently covered by a UCare Individual & Family Plan, be sure to cancel your coverage before your Medicare coverage begins. Otherwise, you may be billed for two premiums. To end your coverage, contact MNsure at least one month before you want your coverage to end. This gives MNsure time to process your request. Call MNsure toll-free at 1-855-3MNSURE or 1-855-366-7873 (TTY users call 1-800-325-0778). You can also visit


Getting a new member ID card

If you would like a new physical ID card, you can click on “My ID Card” and “Request Physical Card” in your online member account. We will then send you a new ID card.

Or, you can click on “My ID Card” and “Download & Print” to get an electronic version. You can show that to your providers just like you would a physical card. Or, you can print it to bring with you.